No Stone Left Alone: A Middleport Heritage Society initiative that pays tribute to Veterans resting in the former Onondaga Township Cemeteries by planting tulips, placing flags and hosting this site to honour the memory of those who have served. Thank you to the Veterans' families and community members who shared their memories, documents and photos. Without you, this project would not have been possible. To view a Veteran, just click on a Poppy!
St. Paul's Cemetery, 1159 Hwy 54, Middleport, ON
Bowman, Pte. Charles William
Bowman, Pte. Clayton Harold
Bowman, Pte. Reginald Leonard
Cranston, Harry
Kelly, William
McLellan, Donald John
Salt Springs Church, 61 Salt Springs Rd, County of Brant
Featherston, Harris Edward
Oughtred, Wilson
Vanderheyden, Arie
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 78 Painter Rd, County of Brant
Ludlow, Pte. Roy
Myers, Pte. John William
Fearman, Pte. James Oscar
Hager, Sgt. Maj. Ross
MacKay, Corp. Andrew
Smith, Pte. Nelson
Second Onondaga Baptist Church Cemetery
330 Baptist Church Rd, County of Brant
Cowie, Pte. John
Holloway, Pte. Percy